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Legal Notices 

NOTICE <br> <br>Notice of intention  NOTICE    Notice of intention to dispose of multiple vessels  under section 39 of the Wrecked, Abandoned or  Hazardous Vessels Act  28’ Red SV WN2625JE currently moored in Fulford Harbour, B.C. is  considered Abandoned. TC File – W2024-503496  “Dame Gracie” 45’ double mast cement hull SV aground in Port  Browning, Pender, B.C. is considered Dilapidated.  TC File – W2024-503493  This notice serves as official notice of the Minister’s intention to  dispose of these vessels after 30 days from which this notice was  given. Should you have any questions, you may contact, Transport  Canada’s Navigation Protection Program at NPPPAC-PPNPAC@ or 604-775-8867 and reference file numbers above.
NOTICE - WOODLOT LICENCE PLANS  NOTICE - WOODLOT LICENCE PLANS FOR W0370 & W1456  OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC VIEWING  Notice is hereby given that a Woodlot Licence Plan (WLP) applicable for a minimum  of 10 years, for Woodlot Licences W0370 and W1456 are being prepared for review  and approval by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.  Woodlot W0370 is comprised of two land parcels of approximately 600 ha. One  parcel (311 hectares) is located near the south end of the Adams River (Lee Creek)  and the second parcel (289 hectares) is located along Yankee Flats Road (Lionel  Road). Woodlot W1456 is comprised of two land parcels of approximately 600 ha.  One parcel (324 hectares) is located near the south end of Hullcar road (S Mt Ida) and  the second parcel (272 hectares) is located near Yankee Flats Road (Fowler Creek).  These WLPs discuss applicable resource constraints and information about areas on  these woodlots and where future forest operations will be avoided or modified. A  written report and maps for this WLP can be viewed by contacting Bert Pereboom,  RPF at (250) 540-0683. The WLP may be amended as a result of written comments  received on or before February 21, 2025.
Notice of Auction <br>Three individual  Notice of Auction  Three individual 8’x20’ storage units  containing household & miscellaneous  items, and tools.  Liable individuals: Seija Jennifer Groenier,  Pamela Brown & Phil Marie, Kelly Cudney  respectively.  Online auction date: January 22nd, 2025  Location: Parkway Storage 1970 Bollinger  Rd. Nanaimo, BC
Notice of Disposition <br>To Glen  Notice of Disposition  To Glen Steven Zwick,  The manufactured mobile home  registration #4862, abandoned June 12,  2023, on pad #27 at 2787 Wentworth  Road Courtenay B.C.  The cost of removing, storing and  selling of mobile home would be more  than the proceeds of its sale.  $21,623.38 is already owed in court  orders, unpaid taxes and storage as of  January 1, 2025.  The landlord will dispose of the  property unless Glen Steven Zwick takes  possession of the trailer. Establishes  a right to possession of it or makes an  application to the court to establish  such a right within 30 days from the  date notice is served on that person.  The trailer must be removed from  #27 2787 Wentworth Road and the  outstanding $21,623.38 must be paid  before removal.  Notice posted by Bobby Turnbull PO  Box 511 Merville B.C. V0R 2M0
NOTICE OF PROPERTY <br>DISPOSITION <br>TAKE  NOTICE OF PROPERTY  DISPOSITION  TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Section 26 of the Community Charter, the Council of  the District of Kitimat hereby gives notice that it intends to dispose of land that is not  being made available to the public for acquisition:  PID: 030-112-133  Portion of Ocelot Way that part of Ocelot Way dedicated on Plans 5744, 12031,  11524 and EPP67348 in District Lots 6004, 6050 and 6054 Range 5 Coast  District as shown on Plan EPP66989  The District is proposing to dispose, through  a Statutory Right-of-Way, a portion of Ocelot  Way to Cedar LNG Partners (GP) Ltd. for  the purpose of installing and operating  a pipeline.  The Statutory Right-of-Way will, no later than  December 31, 2027, be converted to a specific  statutory right-of-way to reflect the constructed  pipeline. The costs to survey and register the  specific statutory right-of-way will be borne by  Cedar LNG Partners (GP) Ltd.  The District will receive $13,500 in compensation for the disposition of this portion of  Ocelot Way.  QUESTIONS?  Contact Corporate Administration: 250-632-8900.
NOTICE <br>OF SALE <br>As per  NOTICE  OF SALE  As per the Warehouseman’s Lien Act,  The Stor-It Place (2014) Corp. will  auction the following persons’ goods in  storage at 2504 - 43 Street, Vernon, BC.  Tel: 250-545-1000.  A17 - Kevin Gerry - $652.58  B03 - Emily & Ralf Bodenmann - $489.77  GT29 - Nicole Mayer - $278.77    Items will be sold as is, where is.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS    Estate of Mildred Evelyn Gibson, also known as Mildred  Evelyn Faris, who died November 14, 2024.  If you have a claim against this estate, you must file your claim by  the 28th day of February 2025,  with  at    Rouillard Law Office  101, 37 Beju Industrial Drive,  Sylvan Lake, Alberta T4S 0K9,    and provide the details of your claim.  If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can lawfully  be distributed without regard to any claim your may have.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS    Estate of PATRICK TODD, ALSO KNOWN AS PATRICK  ALBERT TODD, who died on July 12, 2024.  If you have a claim against this Estate, you must file your claim by  Friday, February 21, 2025  with    CHRISTOPHER R. WARREN, K.C.    at    Warren Sinclair LLP  Barristers and Solicitors  600, 4911 - 51 Street Red Deer, Alberta T4N 6V4    and provide details of your claim.  If you do not file by the date above, the Estate property can  lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.
NOTICE TO <br>CREDITORS <br>AND CLAIMANTS  NOTICE TO  CREDITORS  AND CLAIMANTS  IN THE MATTER OF THE  ESTATE OF    DAVID ANDREW  ARYCHUK DECEASED  of Whitehorse, Yukon  who died on October 17,  2024. All persons having  claims against the above  mentioned Estate are  requested to file a claim,  supported by Statutory  Declaration, with Arthur  Mauro, on or before July 24,  2025, after which date the  Estate will be distributed  having reference only to  claims which have been  so filed.  All persons indebted to the  Estate are requested to make  immediate payment to:  Austring, Fairman & Fekete  Attention: Arthur Mauro  Barristers and Solicitors  3081 Third Avenue  Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 4Z7
NOTICE TO <br>CREDITORS <br>AND CLAIMANTS  NOTICE TO  CREDITORS  AND CLAIMANTS  IN THE MATTER OF THE  ESTATE OF    LEA MARILYN  HALLIDAY DECEASED  of Whitehorse, Yukon  who died on December 6,  2024. All persons having  claims against the above  mentioned Estate are  requested to file a claim,  supported by Statutory  Declaration, with Arthur  Mauro, on or before July 17,  2025, after which date the  Estate will be distributed  having reference only to  claims which have been  so filed.  All persons indebted to the  Estate are requested to make  immediate payment to:  Austring, Fairman & Fekete  Attention: Arthur Mauro  Barristers and Solicitors  3081 Third Avenue  Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 4Z7
NOTICE TO <br>CREDITORS <br>AND CLAIMANTS  NOTICE TO  CREDITORS  AND CLAIMANTS  IN THE MATTER OF THE  ESTATE OF    PAUL GEOFFREY  HENRY DECEASED  of Whitehorse, Yukon who  died on November 25,  2024. All persons having  claims against the above  mentioned Estate are  requested to file a claim,  supported by Statutory  Declaration, with Arthur  Mauro, on or before July 24,  2025, after which date the  Estate will be distributed  having reference only to  claims which have been  so filed.  All persons indebted to the  Estate are requested to make  immediate payment to:  Austring, Fairman & Fekete  Attention: Arthur Mauro  Barristers and Solicitors  3081 Third Avenue  Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 4Z7
NOTICE TO REMOVE PRIVATE LAND  NOTICE TO REMOVE PRIVATE LAND FROM  WOODLOT LICENCE W1626    Please be advised that Ross and Janis Freer are proposing to remove 107.2ha of private land from  Woodlot W1626 located in the vicinity of Son Ranch. District Lot 2947S Similkameen Division Yale  District, 015-221-865 and District Lot 2949S Similkameen Division Yale District, 015-221-903.  Inquiries/comment to this proposal must be submitted to Tyler Hodgkinson by February 15, 2025.  Please direct your responses to the email address listed below. Only written inquiries received by  the above date will be responded to.  Information about this proposal can be obtained by emailing
NOTICE TO: DALE K. MOFFAT  NOTICE TO: DALE K. MOFFAT also  known as DALE KENNETH MOFFAT  TAKE NOTICE that BARJINDER KAUR SIVIA has commenced an action against you in the Court  of King’s Bench of Alberta, Judicial District of Edmonton, Province of Alberta, being Action No.  2403 02697, issued out of the Office of the Clerk of the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta, at the  City of Edmonton, Province of Alberta, on the 7th day of February, 2024.  The Plaintiff claims damages for personal injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident, which  occurred on or about April 22, 2022.  Particulars of the Plaintiffs claims are stated in the Statement of Claim, a copy of which will  be provided to you upon request by the Plaintiff’s Solicitors, BRIJ MOHAN & ASSOCIATES,  Barristers & Solicitors, Suite 205, 12830 80 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3W 3A8. If you oppose the  Plaintiff claim, you must file a Statement of Defence at the Office of the Clerk of the Court of  King’s Bench of Alberta, at the Courthouse Building, Edmonton, Alberta. Unless, within 45 DAYS  of this publication, excluding the day of publication, you cause to be filed either a Statement  of Defence or a Demand of Notice, the Plaintiff may proceed to obtain such judgment as,  according to the practice of the Court of King’s Bench, Judicial District of Edmonton is entitled  to, without further notice to you. This advertisement has been placed as substitutional service  upon you by Order of the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta.  DATED at the City of Edmonton, in the Province of Alberta, this 13th day of January 2025.
Nuxalk Forestry Limited partnership <br>  Nuxalk Forestry Limited partnership    NOTICE OF FOREST OPERATIONS MAP  Nuxalk Forestry limited Partnership (NRFL) hereby provided notice of  a forest operations map (FOM), submission ID #2099. The FOM can be  viewed via:  • The BC government FOM website (,  • The office - 442 Mackenzie Street, Bella Coola, V0T 1C0, or  • Our website (  To arrange a viewing, email  Submit written comments to the office or email provided (reference  ID #2099). Comments will be accepted from January20th - February  19th, 2025, after which commenting will be closed and the FOM  considered valid for three years.
PART OF W1/2, DISTRICT LOT  PART OF W1/2, DISTRICT LOT 1417,  CARIBOO  DISTRICT, containing 2.67  LAND ACT:  hectares,  or less. for a  Notice ofmore  Application    Disposition of Crown Land    WLRS invites comments on this application.  Take notice  thatFile  CITYis  WEST  CABLE & Written  TELEPHONE  CORP.  The  Lands  7410328.  comments  from PRINCE RUPERT, BC, have applied to the Ministry of  concerning  this application  be directed  Forests (MOF) Smithers,  for a Licenceshould  of Occupation  for  to  the Senior Land  Officer,  WLRS, a  a telecommunication  line  that will Smithers,  be used to connect  residential  withAlfred  direct fiber  to the  home network,  Bag  5000homes  – 3726  Ave,  Smithers,  BC V0  situated in the vicinity of Cluculz Lake, UNSURVEYED  2N0.  Comments will be received by WLRS up  CROWN FORESHORE BEING PART OF THE BED OF  to  January  2025. WITH  WLRS  may  not be able t  CLUCULZ  LAKE,31,  TOGETHER  PART  OF DISTRICT  LOTS 4971, comments  940, 1719, 1140  AND PARTafter  OF W1/2,  consider  received  this date.  DISTRICT  LOT  1417,  CARIBOO  DISTRICT,  containing  Please visit the Applications, Comments 2.67  and  hectares, more or less.  Reasons for Decision Database website at  The Lands File for this application is 7410328. Please visit  the website at to view the  for  more and  information.  application  submit comments online. Alternatively,    written comments can be directed to the Authorizations  Specialist, WLRS, at Bag 5000 -3726 Alfred Ave, Smithers,  Be  advised  that any  toMOF  thisup to  BC VOJ  2NO. Comments  willresponse  be received by  advertisement  part of the  February 14, 2025. will  MOFbe  mayconsidered  not be able to consider  comments  receivedAccess  after this date.  public  record.  to these records require    Be advised  that any response  to this advertisement  will  the  submission  of a Freedom  of Information  be considered part of the public record. For information,  (FOI)  request.  contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at the Ministry  Visit  of Forests  operations’ office in Smithers.  to learn more about FOI submissions.
Port Information Guide Proposed Additions  Port Information Guide Proposed Additions for Public Comment  The Prince Rupert Port Authority (PRPA) hereby provides notice  that it intends to make updates to its Port Information Guide. In  accordance with the Canada Marine Act, PRPA invites all interested  parties to submit feedback during a 30-day comment period. To  view the draft guidelines, visit the website below. A hardcopy is  available at the Port Interpretive Centre  Port Interpretive Centre  200-215 Cow Bay Road, Prince Rupert, BC  Please forward comment(s) for consideration to harbour@ by February 14, 2025  Avis de modifications proposées du Guide d’information du  Port, ouvert aux commentaires publics.  L’Administration portuaire de Prince Rupert (APPR) fournit, par la  présente, cet avis qu’il a l’intention de procéder à des mises à jour  au Guide d’information portuaire. En accord avec la Loi maritime  du Canada, l’APPR invite toutes les parties intéressées à soumettre  de retour d’information pendant cette période de commentaires  de 30 jours. Pour consulter le projet de lignes directrices, visitez  le site web ci-dessous. Une copie papier est disponible au Centre  d’interprétation du port.  Centre d’interprétation du port  200 – 215 rue de Cow Bay, Prince Rupert, C.-B.  S’il vous plaît, envoyez vos commentaires pour considération à avant le 14 février 2025.
PUBLIC NOTICE <br> <br>Amendment to  PUBLIC NOTICE    Amendment to Land Use By-Law 7-08-LU  The Council of Ponoka County has been asked by John & Dixie Drost to amend  Land Use By-Law 7-08-LU as follows:  Reclassify Pt. NE 7-42-2-W5 from Agricultural District to Country Residential  District to allow for future subdivision of the rezoned lot.  Before considering the by-law, Council will hold a Public Hearing at which  any person claiming to be affected may ask questions or make comments.  This hearing is scheduled for 10:45 a.m. on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 in the  Council Chambers of the County Administration Building. You may forward your  comments/concerns prior to the meeting by phone, fax or email as noted below.  A copy of the proposed by-law may be inspected at the County Administration  Building, Ponoka, Alberta during regular office hours.  Peter Hall  Chief Administrative Officer  Ponoka County  4205 - Highway #2A  PONOKA, Alberta T4J 1V9  Phone: 783-3333  Fax: 783-6965  e-mail:
PUBLIC NOTICE <br>NOTIFICATION DU PUBLIC  PUBLIC NOTICE  NOTIFICATION DU PUBLIC  PROPOSED ROGERS  51.0 METER TALL WIRELESS  TELECOMMUNICATIONS  SELF-SUPPORT TOWER INSTALLATION    ROGERS PROPOSÉ  TÉLÉCOMMUNICATIONS SANS FIL DE 51,0  MÈTRES DE HAUT  INSTALLATION DE TOUR AUTOPORTANTE    The proposed installation is composed of a 51.0-meter  tall self-support telecommunications tower, including  the antennas and a lightning rod. Rogers will comply  with marking and lighting requirements in accordance  with Transport Canada protocols.  Property: 2517 Jingle Pot Road, Nanaimo, BC V9R 6W3    L’installation proposée est composée d’une tour de  télécommunications autoportante de 51,0 mètres de  hauteur, comprenant les antennes et un paratonnerre.  Rogers se conformera aux exigences en matière de  marquage et d’éclairage conformément aux protocoles  de Transports Canada.    Geographic Coordinates: 49.170550, -124.011070    Propriété: 2517 Jingle Pot Road, Nanaimo, BC V9R 6W3    Objective: To improve wireless coverage in Nanaimo  and to meet rising demands for wireless services.    Les  coordonnées  -124.011070    Details: An equipment compound will also be installed  at the base of the proposed tower and the entire site  will be surrounded by a security fence with a locked  gated access point.    Objectif: Améliorer la couverture sans fil à Nanaimo et  répondre à la demande croissante de services sans fil.    The public is invited to provide written comments by  end of business day on February 28th, 2025 to the  contact information shown below. Please include a  return address.  Tower Installation Project:  Projet d’installation de communication sans fil  Reference: W5732 – Cathers Lake  Contact Information for Rogers’ Representative:  Brian Gregg, SitePath Consulting Ltd. PO Box 20138,  Vancouver RPO, Fairview, BC V5Z 0C1 Phone: 778-8701388 Email:    géographiques:    49.170550,    Détails : Un complexe d’équipement sera également  installé à la base de la tour proposée et l’ensemble  du site sera entouré d’une clôture de sécurité avec un  point d’accès verrouillé.  Les citoyens sont invités à faire part de leurs  commentaires, avant la fermeture des bureaux de  Rogers le 28 février 2025 soit à l’adresse indiquée  (avec une adresse de retour).
TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to  TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Section 26 of the Community Charter, the  Council of the District of Kitimat hereby gives notice that it intends enter into  an agreement to lease land that is not being made available to the public for  acquisition:  PID: 030-713-811  PARCEL A, PLAN PRP3471, DISTRICT LOT 6038, COAST  RANGE 5 LAND DISTRICT (the “Lands”), having a civic address  of 1101 Kingfisher Ave, Kitimat, BC  The proposed disposition is for the lease (the “Lease”) of Lands at the  Public Safety Building to the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) for a  five-year term (expiry November 2029). The Lease is intended to allow the  CBC to occupy space for the continued use of antennas and broadcasting  equipment.  Following notice under section 26 of the Community Charter, the Corporate  Officer is authorized to execute the agreement.  The Lease provides rent revenues of $2400 annually and the District of  Kitimat utilizes a portion of the antennas for its communication equipment.  QUESTIONS?  Contact Corporate Administration: 250-632-8900.
WAREHOUSE LIEN <br> <br>Mill Bay  WAREHOUSE LIEN    Mill Bay Towing & Recovery Ltd. 3855 Trans-Canada  Hwy, Cobble Hill BC V0R 1L0 will auction the following  vehicles on January 29, 2025 for non-payment:    2001 Honda Civic  VIN 2HGES16631H921029  Debtor: Himang Kapoor  Amount owing: 2,496.55    1996 Toyota Avalon  VIN 4T1BF17B9TU126290  Debtor: Karl Ackerman  Amount owing: 3,068.47    2000 Hyundai Accent  VIN KMHCG35G0YU041776  Debtor: Mercedes Woods  Amount owing: 2,170.74    2002 Ford Focus  VIN 3FAFP37332R148174  Debtor: Shelly Foster  Amount owing: 5,508.30    2005 Infiniti QX56  VIN 5N3AA08A25N802786  Debtor: Jon-Colin Adkin  Amount owing: 3,122.51    1976 Dodge/Ram  VIN F34BF6V069071  Debtor: Jimmy Germain  Amount owing: 5,794.85    2003 Nissan Xterra  VIN 5N1MD28Y53C640909  Debtor: Timothy Salach  Amount owing: 2,821.84    2012 Chevrolet Silverado  VIN 1GC4K0C80CF233097  Debtor: Bjorn Viking Pettersen  Amount owing: 4,563.35
WAREHOUSE LIEN ACT <br>Econo U-Store-It  WAREHOUSE LIEN ACT  Econo U-Store-It Inc.  1231 Spruce Street, Campbell River Unless the charges,  (plus any charges that may accrue) are paid in full, on or  before Feb 6, 2005, by cash or certified cheque, or the  goods will be sold by public auction in accordance with  the Warehouse Lien Act by  A029 - Danny Kilbride  A058 - Linda Hunt  A074 - Michael Hanley  C102 - Violet Moon
WAREHOUSE LIEN ACT <br>Under the  WAREHOUSE LIEN ACT  Under the Warehouse Lien Act, AB  Storage will dispose of the contents  of one storage unit on Wednesday  February 1, 2025, if the amounts  owing are not paid in full beforehand.  The sale or disposal will take place at  2699-E Sahilton Rd., Duncan BC V0R  2C0. The debtor is L. Matulevicus.
WAREHOUSE LIEN <br>Reliable Towing -  WAREHOUSE LIEN  Reliable Towing - Revelstoke,    96 McPherson St. Revelstoke, BC, V0E 2S0  will auction the following vehicles on  January 30, 2025 for non-payment:  2006 Honda Civic  VIN 2HGFG11626H002711  Debtor: Manjinderjeet Singh  Amount owing: 3,789.61  2006 Ford F-350  VIN 1FTWX31P66EA77728  Debtor: IP Auto Services Ltd.  Amount owing: 3,937.50
WAREHOUSE LIEN <br>Reliable Towing -  WAREHOUSE LIEN  Reliable Towing - Salmon Arm,  230 42nd SW Salmon Arm BC, V1E 4R7  will auction the following vehicles on  January 23, 2025 for non-payment:    2007 Chevrolet Aveo  VIN KL1TD65667B710446  Debtor: Randall Heslop  Amount owing: 2,764.97    2006 Toyota Sienna  VIN 5TDZA29CX6S387594  Debtor: Robert Fisher  Amount owing: 1,557.53    2006 Volkswagen Jetta  VIN 3VWNF71K86M607179  Debtor: Jeremiah Miller  Amount owing: 2,978.32    1999 GMC Yukon  VIN 1GKEK13R6XR910343  Debtor: Renee Davis  Amount owing: 3,485.04    2000 Subaru Outback  VIN 4S3BH6755Y7603065  Debtor: Cameron Nielsen  Amount owing: 2,881.91
WAREHOUSE LIEN <br>Reliable Towing LTD  WAREHOUSE LIEN  Reliable Towing LTD - Princeton, #1289 - 233  David Browne Way, Princeton, BC will auction  the following vehicles on January 30, 2025 for  non-payment:    2000 Ford Ranger  VIN 1FTYR14UXYPC10314  Debtor: Douglas Hiatt  Amount owing: 1,870.76  1997 Chevrolet Malibu  VIN 1G1NE52M6V6167836  Debtor: Silas Cathro  Amount owing: 3,607.28
Warehouse Liens Sale <br>Notice to:  Warehouse Liens Sale  Notice to:  CALE JOSEPH BENJAMIN, 2007 FORD FOCUS VIN#1FAFP36NX7W225369 Totaling $800.00  JACK LAVIGNE, 2003 TOYOTA TUNDRA VIN#5TBBT44153S420938 Totaling $789.82  BRAUNTON PATRICIA, 2009 MAZDA 3 VIN#JM1BK32F291208684 Totaling $534.52  CHESHIRE CHRISTINA, 2014 KIA RONDO VIN#KNAHU8A3XE7060961 Totaling $572.70  TRINKWON ANGELIKA, 1995 MERCEDES-BENZ C280 VIN#WDBHA28E9SF149999 Totaling $390.96  POULIN PASCAL, 2008 GMC YUKON VIN#1GKFC16J28J218541 Totaling $992.60  JOHNSON JOSHUA, 1996 PLYMOUTH GRAND VOYAGER VIN#1P4GP54R2TB456974Totaling $456.12  HANSEN JOSHUA, 2007 HONDA FIT VIN#JHMGD37407S811081 Totaling $629.88  ANDONOV MITCHELL, 2007 FORD F150 VIN#1FTPW14V27KC69107 Totaling $695.04  KOTCHEA BLAIR, 1994 NISSAN MAXIMA VIN#JN1HJ01CXRT112473 Totaling $803.64  SCOTT JEREMY, 2004 HYUNDAI SANTA FE VIN#KM8SB73E74U624908 Totaling $847.08  COLES DAYTON, 1997 FORD THUNDERBIRD VIN#1FALP62W1VH105139 Totaling $1794.46  CLAUSEN CRAIG, 2012 HYUNDAI VELOSTER VIN#KMHTC6ADXCU026039 Totaling $1794.46  JOHNNY MATTICE, 1979 HONDA MOTORCYCLE VIN#PC012010571 Totaling $2630.39  TOWNSEND PETER, 2001 CHEVROLET MALIBU VIN#1G1NE52J51M594517 Totaling $2099.90  MCLARTY TOBIN, 2004 NISSAN 350Z VIN#JN1AZ34E04T051720 Totaling $1238.04  LONG CHELSEA ALEXANDRA, 1996 HONDA ACCORD VIN#1HGCD5637TA813870 Totaling $2519.88  NEULS SANDRA JEAN, 1998 DODGE NEON VIN#1B3ES47C8WD644744 Totaling $2558.06  PAYNE RICHARD, 2002 HONDA VT750 VIN#JH2RC44L42M030065 Totaling $1455.24  WILLIAMS MARY-ROSE, 2003 MAZDA PROTÉGÉ VIN#JM1BJ245431142714 Totaling $1455.24  JUNG SHAWN STANLEY, 2014 NISSAN ROGUE VIN#5N1AT2MV6EC802518 Totaling $2825.32  TENNISION DARIAN, 2007 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN VIN#1D4GP24R97B152360 Totaling $3245.30  KUNTSI SOLOMAN TREVOR, 2014 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 VIN#1GCVKPEH8EZ334044 Totaling  $4317.81  KOZIJN CHRISTOPHER, 1996 HONDA ACCORD VIN#1HGCD7153TA801056 Totaling $4047.08  Amounts above owing are as of December 17th, 2024.  The above vehicles can be bid on by appointment at Mid Island Towing & Transport Ltd. 4900 Jordan  Ave. Nanaimo B.C. to recover our fees for towing, storage, administration, legal and taxes.  Bidding Closes January 30th, 2025 at 8am.  Storage charged daily until vehicle paid for and removed.  Neither the highest nor any bid not necessarily accepted
Warehouseman’s Lien Act <br>Under the  Warehouseman’s Lien Act  Under the term(s) of the Warehouse Lien Act, Goods and  Personal Property of the person(s) listed below, deposited at AA  Mini Storage, 2399 Cienar Drive, Nanaimo B.C. The units listen  below have been seized and will be sold on or after the date  January 20, 2025, to recover the cost for unpaid storage rent.  Barry Robinson  Samantha L Aleck  Marshall Sylas    $1,398.90  $522.60  $536.03
Warehouseman’s Lien Act <br>Under the  Warehouseman’s Lien Act  Under the terms of the Warehouseman’s Lien Act,  goods and personal property of the persons listed  below, and deposited at TC Storage, 6767 Trans  Canada Highway, Duncan BC, have been seized and  will be sold on, or after January 24, 2025 to recover  the cost for unpaid storage rent.  Michael Arseno $609.30
WOODLOT LICENCE PLAN <br>WOODLOT W1648  WOODLOT LICENCE PLAN  WOODLOT W1648 - Janzen/Windeler  Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 18 of the Forest &  Range Practices Act and section 17 of the Woodlot Planning  and Practices Regulation that a Woodlot Licence Plan (WLP)  for Woodlot W1648 – Janzen/Windeler has been prepared.  W1648 is located southwest of Horsefly at China Cabin Lake.  This Woodlot Licence Plan will have a term of ten years from  the date of approval.  The Woodlot Licence Plan is available for public review  and comment by appointment at the office of Cedar Creek  Silviculture Ltd. Please contact Matthew LeBourdais RPF at  (250) 398-9010 or to view or discuss the  Woodlot Licence Plan. Written comments must be submitted  by February 16, 2025.
Yukon Water Board – Application  Yukon Water Board – Application Notice  Office des eaux du Yukon – Avis de demande  Application Number  Numéro de la  demande    Applicant/Licensee  Demandeur/Titulaire    Water Source  Location  Point d’eau/Lieu    Type of  Undertaking  Type d’entreprise    Deadline for  Interventions 4:00pm  Limite pour la  soumission d’une  intervention : 16 h    PM19-009-2  Amendment    Mark Wierda    Hunker Creek;  Trib. of Klondike  River    Placer    February 11, 2025    From Clint  Marsters to  536784 Yukon Inc.    Gold Run Creek,  Whitman Gulch  & Groundwater;  Trib. of Dominion  Creek & Indian  River    Placer    January 31, 2025    PM19-073-1  Assignment    Interventions and/or claims for compensation must be submitted,  in writing, on or before the deadline for interventions.    Toute intervention ou demande d’indemnisation doit être présentée  par écrit au plus tard à la date et à l’heure indiquées.    Interventions must conform to the Board’s Rules of Procedure.  Claims for compensation must address the relevant factors for  compensation found in the Waters Act, the Board’s Rules of  Procedure and its Compensation Guidelines.    Une intervention doit respecter les règles de procédure de  l’Office. Une demande d’indemnisation doit porter sur les facteurs  applicables énoncés dans la Loi sur les eaux, et dans les règles de  procédure et les lignes directrices sur l’indemnisation de l’Office.    Applications are available for viewing on the Yukon Water Board’s  online registry, WATERLINE at or  in person at the Yukon Water Board office. For more information,  contact the Yukon Water Board Secretariat at 867-456-3980.    On peut consulter les demandes dans le registre en ligne WATERLINE  au ou en personne au bureau de l’Office des  eaux du Yukon. Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez  communiquer avec le secrétariat de l’Office au 867-456-3980.