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Legal Notices 

The Village of Fruitvale <br>Notice  The Village of Fruitvale  Notice to Electors of an Alternative  Approval Process  This notice is the first of two notices to advise electors in the Village  of Fruitvale of the intention to adopt the “Village of Fruitvale (1800  Columbia Gardens Road) Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 969, 2024  (“Bylaw No. 969”). The purpose of the bylaw is to borrow an amount  not to exceed Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) to finance the cost  of securing, demolishing, and remediating 1800 Columbia Gardens  Road that will be repaid over a period not to exceed 30 years. It is  estimated that the borrowing will result in a tax increase for the  average residential property of $165.00 per year. This will ensure that  the current structure at 1800 Columbia Gardens Road is safely secured  and demolished, and the site remediated, to reduce risks associated  with the current structure. A copy of Bylaw No. 969 and a summary of  the proposal are available from the Village of Fruitvale Office during  each business day of the week between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.  Monday to Thursday.  The Council of the Village of Fruitvale proposes to borrow the money  and undertake this purpose unless, by 4 p.m. on August 29, 2024,  at least 10 percent of the electors in the Village of Fruitvale sign an  elector response form opposing the implementation of the proposal  unless the municipal council holds a vote.  The number of elector responses required to prevent the local  government from proceeding unless a vote is held is estimated to be  161. A report respecting the basis on which this determination was  made is available upon request from the Village of Fruitvale.  Elector responses are required to be submitted to the local government  on forms that can be obtained during regular business hours from the  Village of Fruitvale office. The only elector response forms that will be  accepted by the local government are the ones provided by the Village  of Fruitvale or an accurate copy of the form.  Only electors of the Village of Fruitvale are eligible to sign the elector  response forms. There are two types of electors – resident electors and  non-resident property electors.  Resident Elector: When signing an elector response form during  an AAP, a resident elector must: be 18 years of age or older; be a  Canadian citizen; have been a resident in British Columbia for at  least six months; live in the area defined for the AAP; and, not be  disqualified under the Local Government Act, or any other enactment  from voting in a local election, or be otherwise disqualified by law.  Non-resident Property Elector: When signing an elector response  form during an AAP, a non-resident property elector must: be at  least 18 years of age; be a Canadian citizen; have been a resident  in British Columbia for at least six months; have owned property  in the jurisdiction (e.g., municipality or electoral area) for at least  30 days; own property in the area defined for the AAP; and, not be  disqualified under the Local Government Act, or any other enactment  from voting in a local election, or be otherwise disqualified by law.  Note: Only one non-resident property elector may sign an elector  response form per property, regardless of how many people own  the property; and, that owner must have the written consent of  a majority of the other property owner(s) to sign the response  form on their behalf. Property owned in whole or in part by a  corporation does not qualify under the non-resident property  elector provisions.  Resident electors signing the elector response form must provide their  name and address.  Non-resident property electors must provide their name and the  address of the property in relation to which they are entitled to  register as a non-resident property elector. The Village of Fruitvale  will not share the information on the form with anyone other than the  Corporate Officer, or other person designated by the Corporate Officer.  For more information on elector qualifications, please contact the  Village of Fruitvale or see the Voter’s Guide to Local Government  Elections in B.C., available from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs or  online at:    If this form is submitted to the Village of Fruitvale by facsimile, please  ensure that the transmission was completed.  For further information please contact the Village of Fruitvale at:  1947 Beaver St, Fruitvale, BC V0G 1L0  (250) 367-7551

Moving and Storage 

JC’S SELF STORAGE <br>Two locations  JC’S SELF STORAGE  Two locations to serve you  620 Payne St. office on site  1204 N.W. Blvd    • Largest self storage in Creston BC    Book online @  Email: Phone: 250-428-9933




MeMorial <br>Fund <br>Thank you for  MeMorial  Fund  Thank you for  your support    Donation envelopes can be picked up at the Fraser  Canyon Hospital Gift Shop and Fraser Hope Lodge  info board or donations can be sent to: FCH/FHL  Auxiliary, PO Box 933, Hope BC, V0X1L0.  All donations will be solely used to purchase  equipment for our local hospitaI and lodge.  Donations will be receipted and an inscribed card  will be sent to the bereaved.



Legal Notices 

County Of Stettler No. 6  County Of Stettler No. 6    6602 - 44 Ave., Box 1270,  Stettler AB T0C 2L0  Telephone: (403) 742-4441 Fax: (403) 742-1277    PUBLIC NOTICE    DEVELOPMENT PERMIT  APPLICATIONS APPROVED    Notice is hereby given that the following Development Permit Applications in accordance with the County of  Stettler No. 6 Land Use Bylaw No. 1443-10 were conditionally approved by the Development Authority:  Permitted Use Permit.  No:  Legal Description:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:    DP 24058  NE 20-38-18 W4  Stace & Fiona Stenberg  Construction/ Placement of Ready-To-Move Detached Dwelling.    Digital copy of the development permits that have been recently approved by the County of Stettler are  available on the County of Stettler No. 6 website. Notices are posted every Friday under the heading with the  posting date.The most recent approvals are at the top of the list. Click on the file number (i.e. DP 24017) to  open a PDF file of the development permit. If you are not able to open the PDF file of the permit, please contact  Planning & Development and arrange for a copy to be sent to you.  Any person claiming to be affected by such decision may appeal by giving notice in writing to the appropriate  appeal authority. Each development permit identifies whether the appeal must be filed with the Land and  Property Rights Tribunal or the Regional Subdivision and Development Appeal Board.An appeal must be filed  no later than 21 days from the date of this notification. Development permits for a permitted use can only be  appealed if one or more provisions of the Land Use Bylaw were relaxed, varied, or misinterpreted. Development  permits for a discretionary use can be appealed by any person claiming to be affected by the decision.
BOOKKEEPER/ <br>ADMINISTRATION <br>ASSISTANT <br>ARE YOU  BOOKKEEPER/  ADMINISTRATION  ASSISTANT  ARE YOU A SELF-MOTIVATED INDIVIDUAL?  ORGANIZED AND PAY ATTENTION TO DETAIL?  JOIN OUR TEAM!    Duties included but not limited to:    Invoicing, Receivables, Bank and debit machine deposits,  Safety program paperwork and filing. Administrative duties  including answering of phone and filing.    We offer: Competitive wages and benefit program.  RRSP Matching    Please apply in person with resume at 4706 44 Avenue, Stettler, AB  or e-mail

Misc Wanted 


Place of Worship 

100 MILE HOUSE <br>UNITED CHURCH  100 MILE HOUSE  UNITED CHURCH    “Where Everyone’s Humanity is Fully Accepted.”    49 Dogwood Ave.  250-395-2932    Service on Sundays  at 10:30am  All are welcome.

Legal Notices 

Western Forest Products Inc. <br>Nootka  Western Forest Products Inc.  Nootka Forest Operation  Forest Operations Map (FOM)    300 Western Drive  Gold River, BC  V0P 1G0    Western Forest Products Inc., Nootka Forest Operation (NFO), gives notice and invites  comment on the Forest Operations Map (FOM) FOM 933-4 within the Campbell River Natural  Resource District.  FOMs show the approximate location of proposed cutblock(s) and/or road(s) and may be  relied upon for the purposes of cutting permit and/or road permit application until July 24th,  2027. The FOM can be viewed and commented on from July 24th, 2024 to August 26th, 2024.  Comments can be accepted through our online form, email (, in  person at the address above, or by mail at P.O. Box 220 Gold River, BC V0P 1G0  Please visit /practices-plans/ to  view the FOM online and provide comments digitally. After making an appointment, the FOM  can be viewed at our place of business between the hours of 8 am to 4 pm, excluding weekends  and holidays. Please book the appointment through email  By providing comments on the FOM through any of the above forums, you acknowledge and  consent to the use of any such information provided by to Western to conduct, monitor and  analyze our business operations. We may share such information with third parties, including  government agencies, during the course of our business operations. Please refer to Western’s  Privacy Policy at for more information.
Hampton Lumber <br>Canadian Operations <br>  Hampton Lumber  Canadian Operations    B.L.N.D.C.    Babine Forest Products Limited  Lakes Timber Supply Area (TSA)  Proposed Forest Stewardship Plan  Extension and Replacement  Please be advised that Babine Forest Products Limited  (Babine) has formally requested the Minister’s  approval for an extension Babine’s Lakes TSA Forest  Stewardship Plan (FSP). The extension will allow time  for a following request to replace the FSP. The licenses  included are A16823, A16825, A96136, A96137, N2I,  A92915 and A97390. This public review and comment  is in accordance with FPPR section 20(1).  Babine’s proposed Lakes TSA FSP extension will be  referred for a period of 60 days starting July 24th,  2024 and will be available for review at the Babine’s  administration office Monday through Friday during  normal business hours of 7:00 am to 4:00 pm. A  representative from Babine will be available to  answer any questions, address concerns and provide  additional information in regards to our Lakes TSA  FSP extension and replacement requests. Comments  arising from this referral will be considered in the  approval of Babine’s Lakes FSP.  If you have any questions, or would like to meet and  discuss the proposed FSP process or FSP document,  we encourage you to call Daniella Oake at Babine  Forest Products Limited 250 692–7177.  The deadline for receiving written comments is  September 27th, 2024. If you wish to provide written  comments, please address them to:  Babine Forest Products Limited  PO Box 4000, Burns Lake, BC V0J1E0  Attention: Daniella Oake
Canadian Navigable Waters Act <br>DAVID  Canadian Navigable Waters Act  DAVID NIKLEVA, JANET FORSYTH, hereby gives notice that an application has been made  to the Minister of Transport, pursuant to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act for approval of  the work described herein and its site and plans. Pursuant to paragraph 7(2) of the said Act,  DAVID NIKLEVA, JANET FORSYTH has deposited with the Minister of Transport, on the online Common Project Search Registry ( and under registry number  9743,or, under the NPP File Number 2004 500727. a description of the following work,  its site and plans:  • Aquaculture facility – Shellfish rafts, rack and bag, pouches, predator netting  in, on, over, under, through or across Gorge Harbour, at LF 1405036, approximately 50.0991  x 125.0175, located as part of DL 461 Sayward Land District, Cortes Island, containing 1.8  ha in front of lot number Lot B Plan VIP 84784 S.22 Sayward Land District, and Lot B Plan  VIP 59868, S.22 Sayward Land District  Comments regarding the effect of this work on marine navigation can be sent through the  Common Project Search site mentioned above under the Comment section (search by the  above referenced number) or if you do not have access to the internet, by sending your  comments directly to:  Navigation Protection Program – Transport Canada  820-800 Burrard Street  Vancouver BC  V6Z 2J8  Transport Canada (TC) will not make your comments on a project available to the public  on the online public registry. However, any information related to a work is considered  as unclassified public record and could be accessible upon legal request. As such, the  information and records provided should not contain confidential or sensitive information.  If you want to provide confidential or sensitive information that you think should not be  made public, please contact TC before submitting it.  However, comments will be considered only if they are in writing (electronic means  preferable) and are received not later than 30 days after the publication of the last notice.  Although all comments conforming to the above will be considered, no individual  response will be sent.  Posted at Gorge Harbour Marina, Cortes Island, BC, this 24 day of July 2024  David Nikleva, Janet Forsyth
Canadian Navigable Waters Act <br>DAVID  Canadian Navigable Waters Act  DAVID NIKLEVA, JANET FORSYTH hereby gives notice that an application has been made  to the Minister of Transport, pursuant to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act for approval of  the work described herein and its site and plans. Pursuant to paragraph 7(2) of the said Act,  DAVID NIKLEVA, JANET FORSYTH has deposited with the Minister of Transport, on the online Common Project Search Registry ( and under registry number  5749 or, under the NPP File Number 2002 500856. a description of the following work,  its site and plans:  • Aquaculture facility – Shellfish equipment and rafts  in, on, over, under, through or across Gorge Harbour, at LF 1402199, approximately  50.2898x 1250.123, located on the surveyed lot DL 1720 Sayward District, approximately  3.65 ha, Cortes Island, in front of crown land.  Comments regarding the effect of this work on marine navigation can be sent through  the Common Project Search site mentioned above under the Comment section (search  by the above referenced number) or if you do not have access to the internet, by sending  your comments directly to:  Navigation Protection Program – Transport Canada  820-800 Burrard Street  Vancouver BC  V6Z 2J8  Transport Canada (TC) will not make your comments on a project available to the public  on the online public registry. However, any information related to a work is considered  as unclassified public record and could be accessible upon legal request. As such, the  information and records provided should not contain confidential or sensitive information.  If you want to provide confidential or sensitive information that you think should not be  made public, please contact TC before submitting it.  However, comments will be considered only if they are in writing (electronic means  preferable) and are received not later than 30 days after the publication of the last notice.  Although all comments conforming to the above will be considered, no individual  response will be sent.  Posted at Gorge Harbour Marina, Cortes Island, BC, this 24 day of July, 2024  David Nikleva, Janet Forsyth
PUBLIC NOTICE OF AQUACULTURE LICENCE  PUBLIC NOTICE OF AQUACULTURE LICENCE APPLICATION  LAND ACT:    Canadian Navigable Waters Act:    Notice of Intention to Apply for a  Disposition of Crown Land    Notice of application for Approval of  Aquaculture Facility.    Take notice that I, DAVID NIKLEVA from  MANSONS LANDING, BC, have applied to  the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource  Stewardship (WLRS), for an amendment to  Licence of Occupation – Shellfish Aquaculture  situated on Provincial Crown land located at DL  493 Sayward District.    DAVID NIKLEVA hereby gives notice that an  application has been made to the Minister of  Transport, pursuant to the Canadian Navigable  Waters Act for Approval of the work described  herein and its site plans.    The Lands File Number that has been established  for this application is Crown Land File #.  1402986  Comments may be submitted electronically  via the provincial Applications, Comments  & Reasons for Decision webpage at https://  Alternatively, hard copy comments may be  directed to Aquaculture Authorizations, Ministry  of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship at 142 2080 Labieux Rd, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6J9.  Comments will be reviewed by WLRS up to Sept.  28, 2024. WLRS may not be able to consider  comments received after this date.  Please visit the website at https://comment.nrs. for more information.  Be advised that any response to this  advertisement will be considered part of the  public record. For information, contact the  Freedom of Information Advisor at the Ministry  of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship office  in Nanaimo.    Pursuant to Paragraph 7(2) of the said Act,  DAVID NIKLEVA, has deposited with the Minister  of Transport, on the on-line Navigable Waters  Registry (or Common Project Search (CPS):, under the Navigation  Protection Program File number 2007-500368  and the CPS registry number 9742, Shellfish  aquaculture rafts, rack and bag, pouches,  predator netting: in, on, over, under, through  or across Gorge Harbour at (DL 493 Sayward  District, in front of lot 2 plan VIP2176 S.21  Sayward District.  Comments regarding the effect of this work  on marine navigation can be sent through the  Common Project Search site mentioned above  under the Comment section (search by the  above referenced number) or, by sending your  comments directly to the Navigation Protection  Program Pacific, Suite 820 – 800 Burrard Street,  Vancouver, B.C., V6Z 2J8 if you do not have access  to the internet.  However, comments will be considered only if  they are in writing (electronic means preferable: and are received  not later than 30 days after the publication of the  last notice. Although all comments conforming  to the above will be considered, no individual  response will be sent.  Date: July 24, 2024 Signature: David Nikleva


MeMorial <br>Fund <br>Thank you for  MeMorial  Fund  Thank you for  your support    Donation envelopes can be picked up at the Fraser  Canyon Hospital Gift Shop and Fraser Hope Lodge  info board or donations can be sent to: FCH/FHL  Auxiliary, PO Box 933, Hope BC, V0X1L0.  All donations will be solely used to purchase  equipment for our local hospitaI and lodge.  Donations will be receipted and an inscribed card  will be sent to the bereaved.

Legal Notices 

Landlords Contractual Lien <br>U-Haul Storage  Landlords Contractual Lien  U-Haul Storage Center Kelowna claims a Landlords Contractual Lien against the  following persons goods in storage at 2076 Enterprise way, Kelowna, BC Tel: (250) 7628306. Auction is subject to cancellation at any time without notice.  2906    Gregory Ghostkeeper    101-1191 Bernard Ave, Kelowna, BC    2580    Corrine Scott    116-239 Hollywood Rd N, Kelowna, BC    2045    Aurea Cabalfin    3301 McCulloch Rd, Kelowna, BC    2581    Konnor Degroot    1980 Pandosy St, Kelowna, BC    2223    Stephanie Higham    127 Deercroft Pl, Calgary, AB    1072    Ryan Watt    PO box 22108 Capri Centre, Kelowna, BC    2464    Aaron Derkatch    844 Hutley Rd, Armstrong, British Columbia    2648    Darren Hetu    PO Box 2715 Didsbury, Alberta    3538  3542    Andy Ruttan    1460 Gordon drive 108, Kelowna, BC    2243    Leonard Kapiniak    150 Kneller Road, Kelowna, British Columbia    4414    Mercedez Nichols    750 Burne Ave, Kelowna, British Columbia    0227    Corey Letendre    11283 Bottom Wood Lake Rd, Lake Country, BC    0222    Genessa Sewell    2319 Lacresta Rd, Lake Country British Columbia    4197    Tamara Lepine    2124 Pandosy Street, Kelowna, British Columbia    4177    Jarrica Kerik    1336 Sutherland Avenue, Kelowna, BC    2157    Robert Miller    1938 Pandosy 104, Kelowna, British Columbia    A sale will take place online at starting at 11AM on Thursday,  August 8th 2024 till 11AM on Saturday, August 10th 2024. Winners will be contacted  by email at the end of the auction. Room contents are personal/household goods  unless noted otherwise. Bids will be for the entire contents of each locker unit.


CRYSTAL CLEAR <br> <br>STREAK-FREE <br>EXTERIOR  CRYSTAL CLEAR    STREAK-FREE  EXTERIOR WINDOW    CLEANING    WHY CHOOSE GLASS GUARDIANS?    • Best Techniques • Competitive Pricing  • Industry Leading Equipment  • Satisfaction Guaranteed: If you’re not happy  with our service, we’ll make it right!  Yes, we do SIDING of all types!    Are your exterior  windows looking dull,  dirty and smudged?  Help is only a call away!  For a FREE quote  Text or Call Charlie:  778-522-4157

Legal Notices 

Landlords Contractual Lien <br>U-Haul Storage  Landlords Contractual Lien  U-Haul Storage Center Surrey claims a Landlords Contractual Lien against the following persons  goods in storage at 13425 King George Blvd Surrey, BC Tel: (604) 585-4511. Auction is subject to  cancellation at anytime without notice.  319    Vernon Hutton    13370 King George blvd 1, Surrey, British Columbia    114-15  305    Richard Pippy    13352 105a ave 314, Surrey, British Columbia    446    Nobukhosi Ndlovu    2955 atlantic ave 1802, Coquitlam, British Columbia    AA4289Q    Angelina Ryan    10593 138 Street, Surrey, British Columbia    402    Dustin Brown    11165 132 st, Surrey, British Columbia    452    John Leroux    47-20821 Fraser Hwy, Langley, British Columbia    450    Sue Chen    3262 1st ave E, Vancouver, British Columbia    207    Carlos Mejia    10709 king George blvd, Surrey, British Columbia    220    Raymundo Bonilla    5780 Hasting St 31, Burnaby, British Columbia    384    Ma Isabel Perez    14145 101 Avenue, Surrey, British Columbia    348    Patrick Johnson    31 Tichester rd #808, York, Ontario    A sale will take place online at starting at 11AM on Monday, August 12th,  2024 till 11AM Wednesday, August 14th, 2024. Winners will be contacted by email at the end of  the auction. Room contents are personal/household goods unless noted otherwise. Bids will be  for the entire contents of each locker unit.

Hauling and Salvage 




Farm Services 

CATTLE MARKETING <br>OFFICE: 403-732-5206 CHRISSY@SUMMITLIVESTOCK.CA  CATTLE MARKETING  OFFICE: 403-732-5206 CHRISSY@SUMMITLIVESTOCK.CA    CLINT@SUMMITLIVESTOCK.CA    If you have cattle to sell locally or for import/export, we have a market for all types of cattle. Forward  contracting and hedging on Slaughter Cattle & Feeder Cattle to maximize profits and minimize risks.  Ranch Direct calf program to reduce costs and stress by on farm pricing with no surprises.    SLAUGHTER CATTLE, DAIRY  CATTLE, BACKGROUNDERS,  RANCH CALVES, CULL    CLINT DELEEUW | owner | buyer 403-634-9426  DAVE SLINGERLAND | buyer 403-359-0508  CODY OSKAM | buyer 403-330-9700    COWS, CROSSBREDS.  BOX 1236 PICTURE BUTTE, AB. T0KIV0





Misc Services 

Summers here, are you ready?  Summers here, are you ready?    • Irrigation System Up & Running?  • Mulching & Fertilizing  • Weeding, Weeding, Weeding!  • Summer Construction Projects!    Your Landscape Maintenance Professionals  CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE    250.927.0356

Painting / Decorating 

• Family Owned & Operated  • Family Owned & Operated  • No Payment until 100% Client Satisfaction  • Professional Service & Results  Call Ryan 250-460-1024    Looking to upgrade your kitchen cabinets?  Let us professionally paint them for you!

Legal Notices 

Interfor Forest Operations Map <br>Interfor  Interfor Forest Operations Map  Interfor FOM ID: 1665  Notice is hereby given that Interfor Corporation is seeking  public review and comment on the following Forest Operations  Map (FOM) for a 30-day period between July 24th and August  24th, 2024.  FOM ID: 1665 - GF A18969 CP531 Copperkettle – JI  Natural Resource District – Selkirk  Timber Supply area – Boundary  Landscape Unit – B11 – Rendell and B06 – Kettle  Maps are available for review and comment from the following  website:  Printed maps will also be made available to view through  appointment at the Interfor office located in Grand Forks, BC.  Comments can be submitted online during the 30-day period  via or by email or  mail.  For inquiries and comments please contact Interfor Corporation  – Grand Forks Division, 570 69 Ave, Grand Forks, BC, V0H  1H0 between the hours of 8:00 am to 4:00 pm on weekdays.  Please reference FOM ID# if commenting by mail or email at:  Following the review and comment period, this FOM may be  relied upon to apply for a road permit or cutting permit for a  3-year period ending August 24, 2027.

Celebration of Life 

In loving memory of <br>Wayne  In loving memory of  Wayne Andres    Wayne Andres, long time Quesnel resident who was honoured one  year as their “Hometown Hero” passed away on July 2, 2024.  Services are planned for July 27, 2024  Location: Maple Park Alliance Church  2075 Balsam Ave, Quesnel, BC V2J 5J3  Phone: (250) 747-3248  Time: 1 PM  Cremation by: Clayton’s Funeral Directors 1981 Ltd

Misc Wanted 




Celebration of Life 

In Loving Memory of <br>Hans  In Loving Memory of  Hans Peter Meier  Family and friends are  invited to celebrate the  life of Pete  On Saturday, July 27th,  2024  From 1:00 – 3:00 at the  Glenwood Hall.

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