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Legal Notices 

Invitation to review and provide  Invitation to review and provide comment on the Kitwancool Cranberry Forest  Products and Kitwancool Nass Forest Products Forest Stewardship Plan  Kitwancool Cranberry Forest Products, holder of Forest License A88973 and A88974,  and Kitwancool Nass Forest Products, holder of Forest License A96100 and FNWL N3A,  are seeking a five-year replacement of its Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) in the Kispiox  and the Nass Timber Supply Areas. The FSP is designed to direct development related  to primary forest activities for cut blocks and roads that will be managed under this  plan within three planned areas of interest (Forest Development Units or FDUs), FDU  A, FDU B, and the Nass South FDU.  The FSP describes the general location of operations and the strategies and results  that will be applied in these areas to ensure consistency with the objectives for critical  forest values. The objectives are derived from the Forest and Range Practices Act, its  associated regulations, the Cranberry Land Use Order, and the Nass South Sustainable  Resource Management Plan. The term of the FSP will be five years.  The FSPs will be available for review and comment from April 25, 2024, to June 25,  2024, at the following locations:  Terrace Public Library    Northern Lights College    4610 Park Avenue, Terrace BC    Lot 10 Commercial Drive, Dease Lake BC    Smithers Public Library    Stewart Public Library    3817 Alfred Avenue, Smithers BC    22 - 5th Ave, Stewart BC    Comments regarding the FSP should be in writing and addressed to:  Jamie Crawford, RPF  PO Box 491, Stn Main  Terrace, BC V8G 4B5  Email:  We ask that you provide these comments no later than July 2, 2024. All written  input received during the review period will be forwarded to the District  Manager of the Skeena Stikine Natural Resource District.

Home Improvements 

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